• Fika Hidayani IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
  • Gumilar Irfanullah State Islamic Institute of Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Keywords: Al-Jahiz, Economic Theory, at-Tabshirah bi at-Tijarah


This research explores the economic theories and concepts presented in the book At-Tabshrah bi at-Tijarah (Vision of Trade) by the prominent Mu’tazilah thinker Amr bin Bahr al-Jahiz (d. 868 CE). This paper states that al-Jahiz was the first Muslim thinker to use the term tijarah (business) in a dedicated work. The book provides insight into several economic phenomena that were the subject of debate during al-Jahiz’s lifetime. It also offers a comprehensive overview of the economic theories and concepts that were prevalent at the time, including those espoused by the Persians, the Ajam, and the Arabs. This paper uses a qualitative approach to examine the theories presented in at-Tabshirah. Other books that address similar themes are also consulted to facilitate comparison and enrichment of the study. In addition, figures and scholars who also discussed similar matters after al-Jahiz are considered. To emphasize the originality of al-Jahiz’s economic theory, this paper presents modern economic theories whose principles are in line with al-Jahiz’s economic thought. The book at-Tabshirah not only demonstrates the originality of Muslim economic theory, which developed several decades later but also offers an intriguing perspective on the economic and business phenomena that were of concern at that time.


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