• Elvi Yenti Chemistry Education Study Programme, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan, Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University
  • Shabri Fauza Arsya Elvi Yenti1, Shabri Fauza Arsya2, Yenni Kurniawati3 Chemistry Education Study Programme, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan, Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University
  • Yenni Kurniawati Chemistry Education Study Programme, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan, Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau State Islamic University,
Keywords: Chemistry, Effectiveness, Integration, Material, PRISMA


The purpose of this study is to analyse research trends regarding the effectiveness of Islamic values-integrated chemistry learning in achieving learning outcomes as well as students' attitude development in senior high schools (SMA). This literature study will adopt a Systematic Literature Review approach based on the PRISMA model. The researcher has analysed articles that discuss the effectiveness of chemistry learning media integrated with Islamic values in the high school environment that have been published within the last five years, namely 2018 to 2023. The article search will focus on Google Scholar and ResearchGate databases. Researchers will use keywords related to learning outcomes and student attitudes in the context of chemistry learning. Furthermore, the author will collect journals that have received accreditation from Sinta and review journals to conduct in-depth analysis in the hope of producing meaningful findings. The results of the journal review on analysing Islamic integrated chemistry learning are: 1) Knowing the types of materials that have been used such as chemical bonding materials, thermochemistry, reaction rates, salt hydrolysis, atomic structures, molecular shapes, and buffer solutions. 2) Knowing the learning outcomes and attitude outcomes of the Islamic integrated learning analysis through positive responses. However, this research also shows that the effectiveness of the material from Islamic integrated chemistry teaching that occurs in high school is quite effective in its application in the field.
