Design and Build Automatic Home Door Security Using IoT-Based PIR and RFID Sensors

  • M. Hafidz maulana UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Fathiah
  • Mursyidin
Keywords: Design, Sensors, Security, RFID, Node MCU ESP8266, prototype, Based on Internet of Things (IoT)


Security is the main thing for humans. Along with the rapid progress of technology, crime is increasing, one of which is theft which often occurs in houses that are left empty. To increase the feeling of security, a prototype home security notification system was built. This prototype tool utilizes RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) which is equipped with a PIR sensor, Blynk, and Email applications as a notification information system, where all systems can be managed on a Node MCU microcontroller. The aim is to provide more optimal protection for homes and the like because the IoT (Internet of Things) based home security notification system also uses RFID and Cards as a substitute for manual keys so that they are more difficult to tap and copy. This research uses qualitative research and uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. Based on the test results, it can be seen that the door is not only accessed manually with an RFID card but can also be accessed using the Blynk application. RFID testing is known to be able to read cards from a distance of 0.0 cm to 4 cm. Testing the response time for email notifications sent can be seen to be around 1 minute or 1000 delays when there is movement on the PIR sensor


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