Design of PLC and VSD Trainers for Starting Electric Motors in Electrical Machine Control Courses

  • M. Fauzi Albillah UIN AR-RANIRY
  • Malahayati UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh
  • Muhammad Ikhsan Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh
Keywords: Planning, Starting Electric Motor, Trainer, PLC, VSD


Starting an electric motor using a PLC and VSD is one of the materials in the Electrical Machine Control course which requires a medium to facilitate students during practicum. This practical trainer was developed as an aid to assist lecturers in elucidating the material on starting electric motors using PLC and VSD. The types of PLC and VSD trainers in this research used Zelio PLC type SR2 B201FU and VSD Altivar 312. This research used research & development methods in designing the PLC and VSD trainers. The instrument of this research was a media expert and material expert validation sheet to examine the feasibility of the trainer to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Course. The results of media experts' and material experts' validation prove that Using PLC and VSD trainers for starting electric motors in the Electrical Machine Control Course is very feasible in terms of media and material. Where the percentage of scores obtained from media expert 1 was 96%, media expert 2 was 92%, material expert 1 was 80%, and material expert 2 was 94%. So, the feasibility of this trainer is included in the very feasible category to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Course.


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