• Abdul Hanif Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Hari Anna Lastya Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Muhammad Ikhsan Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
Keywords: IoT, Control, Monitoring, NodeMCU ESP8266, Blynk


Technological developments encourage humans to be able to adapt to their developments so humans must open their horizons in thinking creatively and innovatively to maximize the performance of a job or security that can be developed to continue to produce the latest works. Technology can be used as a system or tool that can facilitate all daily human activities where it can be used manually or can be used automatically using technology. In this research, technology is used to alleviate human worries about using electricity at home, where researchers create a design system for controlling and monitoring electrical installations based on the Internet of Things that can control and monitor the use of electric power through the Blynk application using experimental research types to see success or failure. not used as a monitoring system and control system. The results obtained in this study are that the work system using electric power can be controlled manually and automatically via the internet using the Blynk application to turn on and turn off electricity with a response duration of 0.5 – 1 second. This tool is also used as a monitoring tool in the use of electric power at each load using the Bylnk application with manual measurement comparisons with a value of 0.95 – 2.00% which is used according to load usage.


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