• Mirza Sultan Farza Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Malahayati Malahayati Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Muhammad Ikhsan Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
Keywords: Design, PLC, Trainer, Electric Motor Control, Practicum Module


PLC-based Electric Motor Control is one of the materials in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course which requires a medium to make it easier for students during practicum. This trainer and practicum module were developed as a tool for teaching lecturers in explaining PLC-based electric motor control material. The PLC trainer in this study used the Zelio PLC module type SR2 B201FU. This study used the research & development method both in the design of the trainers and in the preparation of the PLC practicum modules. The research instrument carried out by the researcher was a media expert and material expert validation sheet to test the feasibility of the trainer to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum. The questionnaire was used to find out the respondents' responses regarding the importance of using trainers and PLC-based electric motor control practicum modules in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course. The validation results of media experts and material experts prove that the trainer and PLC-based electric motor control practicum module are very feasible in terms of media and material. Based on the percentage of scores obtained from media experts, namely 91% and material experts obtaining a score of 98%, it is included in the very feasible category to be applied in the Electrical Machine Control Practicum course. The results of student respondents' responses related to the importance of using trainers and PLC modules obtained results of 87% included in the very important category to be applied in practicum.


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