• Fathiah Fathiah Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Sri Wahyuni Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Abdul Malek Safar


Security is the most important thing in everyday life, there are lots of thefts or break-ins of a security system because it is not properly protected. Plus there is no additional notification system on conventional locks that are commonly used which can provide information on anyone trying to access the door. Automatic Unlock System With RFID Based Notification (Radio  Frequency Identification). Aim to planprototype automatic unlocking system with RFID based notifications. Work system fromprototype it is controlled using the NodeMCU ESP8266 as the brain ofprototype which is equipped with RC522 RFID sensors, servo motors, andTouch Sensor to open the door from the inside. This study uses a type of qualitative research and uses methodsResearch and Development (R&D). Based on the test results, the system can read the E-KTP card to open the door and the system can also send notifications to the telegram application. RFID testing is known sensors can read cards starting from distance of 0.0 cm to 1.8 cm. In testing the RFID response time, it is known that the time required ranges from 2.59 to 2.86second. Next test the response timetouch sensor, the response time required until the door is opened an average of 1.99second.


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