• Akmilul Fazlan Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Muhammad Rizal Fachri Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Husnizar Husnizar Ar-Raniry State Islamic University


An internship is a specialized activity in which students participate directly in the delivery of training in the working world. Students are actively involved in the learning process when using participatory approaches. According to observations made by researchers at SMK Negeri 4 in Banda Aceh, the majority of students are still limited in their ability to learn due to material issues, especially when it comes to maintenance-related subjects like motorcycle electricity, which benefit from both classroom and real-world practice (DU/DI). The goal of this study is to determine whether it is feasible to use participatory methods to teach students at SMK Negeri 4 Banda Aceh class XI about motorcycle electrical maintenance in stages of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning. The three stages of the participatory method are planning, doing, and assessing learning. According to the study's findings, the participative approach is effective and has an impact on student learning at SMK Negeri 4 Banda Aceh.


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