• Hari Anna Lastya Syiah Kuala University
  • Yuwaldi Away Syiah Kuala University
  • Tarmizi Tarmizi Syiah Kuala University
  • Ira Devi Sara Syiah Kuala University
  • Muhammad Ikhsan Ar-Raniry State Islamic University
  • Nikmal Maula Mirdha Ar-Raniry State Islamic University


Solar energy is optimally obtained by the solar panel when the solar panel is perpendicular to the position of the sun, so a sun tracker is required to track the sun precisely. This study compares the electrical energy obtained in the proposed dual-axis sun tracker system with tetrahedron geometry of different sizes and using phototransistor sensors with previous research using tetrahedron geometry with more blunt triangular sizes and using LDR sensors. The results showed that the sun tracker in the proposed research obtained an average voltage value of 39.58%greate than the sun tracker of previous research.  The average current value on the proposed research sun tracker is 41.42% greater than the previous research sun tracker. The value of electrical energy produced on solar modules using sun trackers is directly proportional to the value of voltage and current produced, that is, if the value of voltage and current is large, the value of electrical energy obtained is also greater. The average electrical energy yield of solar modules using sun trackers such as the proposed research is 60.55% greater than solar modules using sun trackers in previous research.


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